Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the most frequently asked questions about Juvelook and Lenisna.
If you have further questions, please contact us by official email address.

About Juvelook and Lenisna

Who is suitable for Juvelook and Lenisna?

Juvelook is suitable for people who want a long-term rejuvenation effect.
Lenisna is suitable for people who want a long-lasting volumizing effect.

Is PDLLA a safe substance?

The main component of the two products is PDLLA which is safe and effective at the same time. It can promote collagen production in the body, and naturally decompose it into H2O and CO2,

What are the main benefits of Juvelook and Lenisna?

It is able to stimulate collagen production in the strongest possible way and there’s no need to massage the post-treatment areas thanks to the spherical shape of PDLLA and its combination with HA(Hyaluronic acid).

How long does it take to see first results after the application?

We suggest having a total of 3 treatments at 1 month interval. It is recommended to maintain and maximize the rejuvenating/volumizing effect after the initial procedures. But it may change depending on the indications and vary from person to person.

How soon after treatment can I get back to daily life?

Due to the characteristic of PDLLA and HA, there’s no need to massage and you could get immediate filling effect after the treatment. It is able to apply makeup and get back to daily life immediately if there are no complications.

For how long JUVELOOK/LENISNA last?

The results gradually appear over a period and last 2 years from the last treatment.

What is the difference between JUVELOOK/LENISNA and other polymer fillers?

The components of Juvelook and Lenisna is PDLLA+HA. PDLLA is the safest and most biocompatible isomer of PLA. It stimulates the restoration of collagen, and we will also get additional benefits of hyaluronic acid which is generally safe for all skin types and promotes skin health.

Can I combine or mix JUVELOOK/LENISNA with other product like Botox, HA fillers, PRP etc?

Yes. There are many different ways to combine Juvelook and Lenisna with other products. You may get multiplied effects by combining with other products. It is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and evaluation to choose the appropriate course of treatment.